双职工 [
shuāng zhí gōng]
man and wife both at work
[劳经] working couple
employed couple
- 我们公司的弹性工作制政策使得许多双职工家庭有更多的时间与孩子在一起。
EXAMPLE: A flextime policy at our company permitted many working couples to spend more time with their children. - “更多夫妻比以前更会分担家务,对双职工家庭来说,分担家务的趋势更为明显,”这份报告说。
"More couples are sharing family tasks than ever before, and the movement toward sharing has been especially significant for full-time dual-earner couples, " the report says. - 然而1973至2007年间,这项数据仅仅增长了22%——而这个增长是由双职工家庭数目增多引起。
Between 1973 and 2007, however, it grew by only 22%—and this thanks to the rise of two-worker households.