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 双联 添加此单词到默认生词本
[电子] duplex

  1. 他们的房子有一个双联汽车库。
    Their house had a double garage.
  2. 结论加强责任制护理,运用双联系统行CAPD能显著减少腹膜透析患者腹膜炎的发生。
    Conclusion:Strengthening the responsibility system nursing, and using the duplex system to run CAPD, can decrease the incidence rate of peritonitis greatly.
  3. 方法通过运用双联系统进行持续性不卧床腹膜透析(CAPD),并加强对38例CAPD患者的责任制护理,了解临床疗效、腹膜炎及堵管发生率。
    Methods:By using the duplex system to run CAPD, and strengthen the responsibility system nursing on 38 CAPD sufferers to find out the practical curative effect and the incidence rate of peritonitis.

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