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 动摩擦系数 添加此单词到默认生词本
[力] coefficient of kinetic friction
[力] dynamic friction coefficient

  1. 选择鼓式制动器摩擦片时,动摩擦系数的选择既要满足制动性能,同时也要满足稳定性。
    When selecting brake shoe, the dynamic friction coefficient must fulfill the request of both brake capability and stability.
  2. 此时因为静摩擦系数动摩擦系数高,所以静摩擦的附着力较大。
    The coefficient of friction for static contact is higher than for dynamic contact, so static contact provides better traction.
  3. 当刹车比压和能载增加时,经过不同温度处理的四种试样干态及湿态平均动摩擦系数均相应下降。
    The average dynamic FC of four kinds of samples treated under different temperatures was reduced in dry and damp condition as brake pressure and energy were raised.

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