动温 [
dòng wēn]

[机] dynamic temperature
- 李奥:塔米,快叫救护车!不要动,温迪。试着放轻松,保持冷静。
Leo: Quick, Tammy, call an ambulance! Wendy, don't move. Just try to relax and stay calm. - 起初,谁也没动。然后鲁斯温说道,“陛下,把达维里奇奥从这房间里赶出去,马上!我要他!”
Af first no one moved. Then Ruthven said, 'Your Majesty, send David Riccio out of this room, now! I want him! ' - 起初,谁也没动。然后鲁斯温说道,“陛下,把达维里奇奥从这房间里赶出去,马上!我要他!”
Af first no one moved. Then Ruthven said, 'Your Majesty, send David Riccio out of(T) this room, now! I want him! '