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 动点 [dòng diǎn添加此单词到默认生词本
[数] moving point

  1. 利用一个普通的锥不动点定理研究了二阶奇异非共振边值问题正解的存在性。
    In this paper, we discuss the existence of positive solution for singular positive boundary value problem of second order differential equations by using a general cone fixed point theorem.
  2. 的轨迹作为一条曲线形式的坐标轴来确定动点的位置的方法叫自然坐标法。
    The position of a moving particle is determined by measuring the displacement along its path from a reference point.
  3. 运用上下解方法,不动点指数理论,局部分歧理论,得出了该系统存在多个正解或惟一正解的条件,即参数对解的个数有一定影响。
    By means of lower-upper solutions methods, theory of fixed point indices and local bifurcation theory, the conditions for multiplicity and uniqueness positive solutions of this system was obtained.

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