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 动物免疫学 添加此单词到默认生词本
[动] animal immunology

  1. 实验动物免疫学研究领域中重要的载体。
    Laboratory animals are important models in immunological researches.
  2. 肿瘤动物模型是研究肿瘤免疫学、临床前期评价肿瘤治疗方案有效性和安全性的重要前提。
    Tumor model of animals is significant for the studies on tumor immunology and preclinical evaluation on the effectiveness and safety of some tumor therapy strategies.
  3. 动物免疫学”是研究、论述动物免疫器官、免疫细胞、免疫相关物质(因子)的性质功能和特异性免疫应答原理及规律的科学。
    Animal immunology is a science dealing with the principles and rules of special immune responses, the function character of immune-organs, immunocyte, and related material in animal.

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