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 动物传播 [dòng wù chuán bō添加此单词到默认生词本
animal dispersal

  1. 报告称:“这种非法贸易违反了相关监管机构制定的防止进口动物传播疾病的法规。”
    "This illegal trade subverts rules established by regulatory agencies to reduce the introduction of disease ..." the report said.
  2. 他主要研究以色列内格夫荒漠的一年生植物的种子传播,包括风力传播动物传播和雨水传播
    3 Seed Dispersal and Seed Predation of Plants Species in the Negev Desert.
  3. 这个影象显示了已知在禽流感病毒到哺动物传播过程中起重要作用的突变株存在或接近发生这种相互作用的地方.
    The image reealed that mutations known to play a role in the transmission of aian influenza irus to mammals were located within, or close to, this site of interaction.

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