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 三剑客 [sān jiàn kè添加此单词到默认生词本
The Three Musketeers

  1. 网页三剑客8。0是设计、开发与维护有效的在线体验必不可少的软件套件。
    Three Musketeers 8. 0 pages are the design, development and maintenance of an effective online experience essential software suite.
  2. 他有的是钱,一年后,他买来了著名的荷兰三剑客范巴斯滕,古利特和里杰卡尔德。
    He brought the famous Dutch trio of Van Basten, Gullit and Rijkaard a year later.
  3. 休提1974年德国世界杯上的荣光,休提曾经的三剑客时代,还有下丹尼斯?博格坎普所创造的一个个奇迹。
    Do not mention the glory created in the West Germany in 1974, the period of the three killers, and the wonders for Dennis Bergkamp, which have flied away and never back.

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