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 三副 [sān fù添加此单词到默认生词本
third mate
third officer

  1. 亚当:我需要租三副今天早上用的滑冰鞋。
    Adam: I need to rent three pairs of skates for the morning.
  2. 她丈夫有三副眼镜,都是黑色的,但款式不同。
    Her husband has three pairs, all black but in different shapes.
  3. 这是一起人为事故,船长痛饮伏特加之后昏昏大睡,掌舵的三副未能及时转弯,致使油轮一头撞上暗礁——一处众所周知的暗礁。
    The ship had bellied into a well-known reef as its captain slept off a vodka bender and, at the wheel, his third mate missed a turn.

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