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 willpower ['wilpauә]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 毅力, 意志力

    [ noun ]
    the trait of resolutely controlling your own behavior

    1. The former Wyoming representative said that as Congress makes key budget decisions, lawmakers must show they have the willpower to cut entire programs in order to hold the line on the nation's defense budget.
    2. Last year, Mr. Buell ordered a pair of silk boxer shorts with geese and ducks for $40. With his willpower weakened, he then visited a Victoria's Secret store and bought $300 more worth of briefs.
    3. He says that an obese person is usually perceived as lacking self-control and willpower.
    4. That unity will only be deepened by a sustained act of willpower on both sides.
    5. There is so much pictorial understanding evident in the early works, and so much sheer willpower.
    6. As the new year gets underway anyone without the willpower of a Trappist monk may be feeling a touch under par.
    7. Add to this jittery uncertainty a show-me skepticism about promises to stabilize the falling dollar and domestic willpower to significantly reduce the U.S. trade and budget deficits.
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