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 willy ['wili]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 鸡巴,阳物

  1. Being alone in that gloomy house gave me the willies.
  2. He said that Opposition members were a bunch of weary Willies.

Willy \Wil"ly\, n. [Cf. {Willow}.]
1. A large wicker basket. [Prov. Eng.] --Halliwell.

2. (Textile Manuf.) Same as 1st {Willow}, 2.

Willow \Wil"low\, n. [OE. wilowe, wilwe, AS. wilig, welig; akin
to OD. wilge, D. wilg, LG. wilge. Cf. {Willy}.]
1. (Bot.) Any tree or shrub of the genus {Salix}, including
many species, most of which are characterized often used
as an emblem of sorrow, desolation, or desertion. ``A
wreath of willow to show my forsaken plight.'' --Sir W.
Scott. Hence, a lover forsaken by, or having lost, the
person beloved, is said to wear the willow.

And I must wear the willow garland
For him that's dead or false to me. --Campbell.

2. (Textile Manuf.) A machine in which cotton or wool is
opened and cleansed by the action of long spikes
projecting from a drum which revolves within a box studded
with similar spikes; -- probably so called from having
been originally a cylindrical cage made of willow rods,
though some derive the term from winnow, as denoting the
winnowing, or cleansing, action of the machine. Called
also {willy}, {twilly}, {twilly devil}, and {devil}.

{Almond willow}, {Pussy willow}, {Weeping willow}. (Bot.) See
under {Almond}, {Pussy}, and {Weeping}.

{Willow biter} (Zo["o]l.) the blue tit. [Prov. Eng.]

{Willow fly} (Zo["o]l.), a greenish European stone fly
({Chloroperla viridis}); -- called also {yellow Sally}.

{Willow gall} (Zo["o]l.), a conical, scaly gall produced on
willows by the larva of a small dipterous fly ({Cecidomyia

{Willow grouse} (Zo["o]l.), the white ptarmigan. See

{Willow lark} (Zo["o]l.), the sedge warbler. [Prov. Eng.]

{Willow ptarmigan} (Zo["o]l.)
(a) The European reed bunting, or black-headed bunting.
See under {Reed}.
(b) A sparrow ({Passer salicicolus}) native of Asia,
Africa, and Southern Europe.

{Willow tea}, the prepared leaves of a species of willow
largely grown in the neighborhood of Shanghai, extensively
used by the poorer classes of Chinese as a substitute for
tea. --McElrath.

{Willow thrush} (Zo["o]l.), a variety of the veery, or
Wilson's thrush. See {Veery}.

{Willow warbler} (Zo["o]l.), a very small European warbler
({Phylloscopus trochilus}); -- called also {bee bird},
{haybird}, {golden wren}, {pettychaps}, {sweet William},
{Tom Thumb}, and {willow wren}.

  1. "It doesn't mean the comptroller would allow banks to go willy nilly to run around and sell these funds." He said the comptroller may decide to hold back the controversial advertising measure and move the other technical provisions along.
  2. I moved doors and chairs willy nilly and began to dream of a career as an interior designer.
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