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 willy-nilly 添加此单词到默认生词本
ad. 不管愿意不愿意

a. 不容分辨的, 犹豫不决的

    [ adv ]
    1. in a random manner

    2. <adv.all>
      the houses were randomly scattered
      bullets were fired into the crowd at random
    3. without having a choice

    4. <adv.all>

    Nill \Nill\, v. i.
    To be unwilling; to refuse to act.

    The actions of the will are ``velle'' and ``nolle,'' to
    will and nill. --Burton.

    {Will he, nill he}, whether he wills it or not; usually
    contracted to {willy-nilly}.

    1. Indeed, until recently, the duty of "stare decisis" was the best guarantee that judges would not make up the law willy-nilly.
    2. "Strong companies are being thrown out of portfolios willy-nilly.
    3. Yet willy-nilly, the already long presidential race will stretch out until November, nine months more.
    4. "My job was to try to help produce a bill that had the potential to do some good and not just run willy-nilly, damaging additional lives," said NRA lobbyist Marion Hammer.
    5. They pile items on willy-nilly, and dare the others to touch their part of the masterpiece.
    6. Still, some industry executives hold that even imperfect guidelines would be better than the willy-nilly calculations going on in some funds.
    7. But though trading has been brisk in some high-growth and technology issues, the activity hasn't spread willy-nilly to other small stocks, analysts say.
    8. Mr. Conradie spreads the blame willy-nilly for his plight: on the government for inflation, on the Americans and other foreigners for sanctions.
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