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 Wilmer   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. At Wilmer Cutler in Washington, where the child-care center is normally open only until 5:30 p.m. during the week, the rule for leaving a child after hours is strict: "It's got to be an emergency," says Anne-Marie Smith, the director.
    2. Oil companies, investment banks, and other companies likely to be pinched by the freeze on assets have hired law firms including Washington's Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering and Philadelphia's Morgan, Lewis & Bockius.
    3. "We have no comment," said Ted Levine, a partner at Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering, a law firm representing Bilzerian.
    4. Wilmer has chosen not to affiliate but to go it alone in Brussels, where it will open an office Dec. 1.
    5. For example, Time is a minority investor in Emerge, a proposed monthly news magazine developed by former Time magazine writer Wilmer Ames for black middle-class readers.
    6. The people rejected the Sandinistas on Feb. 25, and we will not lay down our arms until the people's will is respected," said a top Contra commander who called himself only Wilmer.
    7. In response to the letter, 20 lawyers gathered in the Washington law offices of Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering.
    8. Asked about a specific plan for demobilization and a deadline, he said: "There is no plan, and no established deadline." Wilmer said the Contras are still ready to fight if need be.
    9. "If you're measuring return on sales, the rate of return (on compact pickup trucks) is down" said John Greenwald, a lawyer with the Washington firm of Wilmer, Cutler & Pickering, which prepared the trade association's investigation.
    10. Authorities have identified the four as Tito Sanchez, Euovio Manzano, Osvaldo Gonzales and Wilmer Ramon Zanabria.
    11. Wilmer C. Ames, a former Time reporter, would own the remaining 52%.
    12. Assistant U.S. Attorney Wilmer Parker III said he will ask that bail be denied.
    13. Officials went to Wilmer questioned classmates of the 16-year-old victim on Thursday.
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