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 Wilma ['wilmə]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 威尔玛(Wilhelmina 的昵称)(f.)

    1. The little Wilma Theater in Philadelphia plans six or eight small benefits this year, says Courtenay Wilson, managing director.
    2. "We raised those children like brothers and sisters, they were that close," said their gramdmother, Wilma Loaisiga.
    3. They are disciplined, intense and most have integrity. Wilma Mankiller is presented in the study as a typical world-class performer.
    4. Wilma Clark, mother of a 17-year-old boy in the program, said she always receives written notices of any changes in her son's training.
    5. "When Wilma raised her eyebrows at the SBA people and got that look on her face, I knew they were in trouble," said Mary Turner, laughing.
    6. Wilma Mankiller, chief of the Cherokee Nation of Oklahoma, said it was an anachronism which has barely changed since its inception, despite changes among the tribes.
    7. Police Detective Jack Dietz said Merlan and his wife, Wilma, 80, were hospitalized Aug. 15 after they ate bran cereal containing a pesticide.
    8. He and his wife of nearly 53 years, Wilma, raised three children and worked a small farm.
    9. Dr. Wilma Bias, who performed the test, declined comment.
    10. They bear no resemblance to those Stone Age suburbanites Fred and Wilma Flintstone, who came to prime time in 1960 from Hanna-Barbera Productions and stayed for six years, then lived on through syndication.
    11. Robert Goetsch's sister, Wilma Lee, said the couple had argued about their son. "It was hard for Robert raising an adopted son," she said.
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