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 dour [dʊr]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 阴沉的, 严厉的, 顽强的

  1. The goods are priced out dour reach.
  2. A dour, self-sacrificing life.
  3. Apart from a rather dour, but tactically intriguing, cup final it has been the most tense season for years.

[ adj ]
  1. stubbornly unyielding

  2. <adj.all>
    dogged persistence
    dour determination
    the most vocal and pertinacious of all the critics
    a mind not gifted to discover truth but tenacious to hold it
    men tenacious of opinion
  3. harshly uninviting or formidable in manner or appearance

  4. <adj.all>
    a dour, self-sacrificing life
    a forbidding scowl
    a grim man loving duty more than humanity
    undoubtedly the grimmest part of him was his iron claw
  5. showing a brooding ill humor

  6. <adj.all>
    a dark scowl
    the proverbially dour New England Puritan
    a glum, hopeless shrug
    he sat in moody silence
    a morose and unsociable manner
    a saturnine, almost misanthropic young genius
    a sour temper
    a sullen crowd

Dour \Dour\, a. [Cf. F. dur, L. durus.]
Hard; inflexible; obstinate; sour in aspect; hardy; bold.

A dour wife, a sour old carlin. --C. Reade.

  1. The stock has been weighed down in recent weeks by CBS's own dour earnings projections, heavy spending on sports and program rights, unusual costs for news coverage of the Persian Gulf crisis and a soft advertising environment.
  2. Shyamanand, Jamun's father, is a dour government official now in retirement who has suffered a massive stroke resulting in partial paralysis (all recounted in horrendous detail).
  3. A black-and-white portrait of Gromyko, featuring the dour face that earned him the nickname "Grim Grom," hung at the entrance.
  4. They also trained their burger flippers to be cheery, a stark contrast to the dour faces found in state-run cafeterias.
  5. President Miguel de la Madrid, known for his serious if not dour demeanor, is in a jovial mood throughout a Wall Street Journal interview at Los Pinos, his official residence.
  6. At first sight His massive canvas, 'Autumn Spinney' might appear dour but then reveals its lyrical quality, a season simplified by the painter's eye into branches, a scatter of red berries and silver streaks of frost.
  7. Even the normally dour Argentines poke fun at this one.
  8. At no point during the news conference did the Democratic leader stand beside Koch, and he kept a dour expression, despite several attempts at levity by the mayor.
  9. "For all the voters who may be more comfortable with the gloom and doom and dour message of Pat Robertson, that we're going to hell in a handbasket, there are many more who will respond to a positive conservative message," Buckley said.
  10. But nobody can say that the voters wouldn't have a choice. In spite of yesterday's dour news on unemployment and house repossessions that choice is still - just - more likely to be Tory than Labour.
  11. This was sold from a covered building by dour men wearing white aprons and trilby hats.
  12. There are even snatches of dour Danish formality in imitation of Dutch masters. Brondums Hotel still holds pride of place in Skagen.
  13. But he's also a historian who takes ideas seriously, and he fires enough intellectual lightning in an hour of conversation to brighten even the dour gray of the Rayburn building.
  14. Prompting particular worries are Japan, where the economy is losing steam and the mood of the business community has turned dour, and Germany, whose economy seems to be contracting slightly.
  15. Don't laugh now _ unless you're feeling achy _ but the town doctor of Motala, Sweden, says his research among the dour folks of his community shows that humor can relieve pain.
  16. There was a puzzled pause before nervous grins spread among the dour Czech ranks, speaking volumes about the working culture of plants carrying the legacy of 40 years of Communism.
  17. Officials are optimistic this summit will be an improvement on the last one, between Khrushchev and Mao in October 1959, when the Soviet leader stormed to the airport with a dour look on his face.
  18. They spent more money than anyone else in an increasingly dour, desperate and vain pursuit of the title, but providing a healthy reminder that there is more to soccer than cash. This year United have been relatively restrained in the marketplace.
  19. The impressionists have migrated across the Seine from the Jeu de Paume, accompanied by the post-impressionists, now liberated from the dour Palais Tokyo.
  20. This image had been forgotten during the dour, violent years of Heysel and Hillsborough, and was lost again during the tense, farcical years of Graham Taylor.
  21. The mood is uncompromisingly dour, from the unlovely Mersey accents to the unlovely attitudes of some convincingly nasty coppers, given to such bibulous pleasantries as 'You're twisted and you're a pairvairt and you'll make a blody good policeman.'
  22. A computer virus named "Stoned" made its way into copies of the governor's speech on the future of the British colony, adding a little spice to the dour commentary.
  23. But Frank, although speaking partly in jest, is dour about the effect on future viewers.
  24. Now we're paying double,' he said. Even by the dour standards of the highly subdued world economy, the four Nordic economies are in an extremely difficult position.
  25. He explained, with a wistful smile: 'I just fell into the dour mode because it was the best way to stay in the Test team.
  26. With the market braced for a dour results season, the cash-generative capacity of BAT Industries and its aggressive dividend policy were always likely to win friends.
  27. I'm sorry." Bloody Sunday was March 7, a dour and chilly day.
  28. Generally, oil industry officials have a dour outlook for prices.
  29. Under Lenin's dour gaze from a giant portrait, Soviet officials uncorked their new export supervodka and hustled American guests like born-again capitalists, with grins, backslaps and heaping bowls of caviar.
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