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 dousing 添加此单词到默认生词本
[电] 熄灭

    [ noun ]
    the act of wetting something by submerging it

    Douse \Douse\ (dous), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Doused} (doust); p.
    pr. & vb. n. {Dousing}.] [Cf. {Dowse}, and OD. donsen to
    strike with the fist on the back, Sw. dunsa to fall down
    violently and noisily; perh. akin to E. din.]
    1. To plunge suddenly into water; to duck; to immerse; to
    dowse. --Bp. Stillingfleet.

    2. (Naut.) To strike or lower in haste; to slacken suddenly;
    as, douse the topsail.

    1. The SFO was yesterday making no official comment on the outcome, but those inside the office were bracing themselves for another dousing in the cold water of bad publicity.
    2. A girl who squandered her school fees on makeup, clothing and candy died after dousing herself with paraffin and setting herself alight, police said Wednesday.
    3. Or perhaps they simply need more time to spend their yen. The sight of a male colleague dousing himself with an expensive cologne rather surprised me recently.
    4. Reporters on the scene said some residents tried to stop firefighters from dousing the blaze.
    5. The crew and airport firefighters were praised for coolness under pressure and quick action in dousing the blaze.
    6. Five fireboats and a hose placed on the deck by firefighters continued dousing the burning stern.
    7. By Sunday, crews had stopped dousing the hull of the Mega Borg. Coast Guard Chief Petty Officer Mark Sedwick said officials believed there was no longer a threat of the fire reigniting.
    8. Have a bucket of water at hand in the event of a fire and for dousing apparent duds.
    9. But the Italians themselves have no more taken to ProntoSpaghetti than they have to dousing their meatballs with ketchup.
    10. Firefighters decided after the accident Saturday to let the propane burn itself out, rather than risk touching off another explosion by dousing unseen hot spots in the car, said Capt. Darrell Stevenson of the Corsicana Fire Department.
    11. The depression dousing many investors is vividly apparent in the financial districts of many cities.
    12. Amtrak trains dumped untreated restroom and other wastes as they passed over a creek, dousing fishermen below, said state officials who charged the rail service with three felony counts of littering.
    13. Also Monday, friends and family paid homage to a student who died after dousing himself with paint thinner and gasoline and setting himself afire, shouting "Yankees go home!" to protest the U.S. presence in South Korea.
    14. The interim results are due on May 8. With the company effectively dousing Wednesday's speculation of an impending rights issue, ECC recouped much of that day's fall to close 10 higher at 420p.
    15. A 28-year-old worker committed suicide today by dousing himself with paint thinner, setting it ablaze and jumping from a building, the first fatality in a wave of labor unrest, news reports said.
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