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 dove [dʌv]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 鸽子

  1. The dove is the symbol of peace.
  2. The dove is an emblem of peace.
  3. The dove is the emblem of peace.

[ noun ]
  1. any of numerous small pigeons

  2. <noun.animal>
  3. someone who prefers negotiations to armed conflict in the conduct of foreign relations

  4. <noun.person>
  5. a constellation in the southern hemisphere near Puppis and Caelum

  6. <noun.object>
  7. flesh of a pigeon suitable for roasting or braising; flesh of a dove (young squab) may be broiled

  8. <noun.food>
  9. an emblem of peace

  10. <noun.communication>

Dive \Dive\, v. i. [imp. & p. p. {Dived}, colloq. {Dove}, a
relic of the AS. strong forms de['a]f, dofen; p. pr. & vb. n.
{Diving}.] [OE. diven, duven, AS. d?fan to sink, v. t., fr.
d?fan, v. i.; akin to Icel. d?fa, G. taufen, E. dip, deep,
and perh. to dove, n. Cf. {Dip}.]
1. To plunge into water head foremost; to thrust the body
under, or deeply into, water or other fluid.

It is not that pearls fetch a high price because men
have dived for them. --Whately.

Note: The colloquial form dove is common in the United States
as an imperfect tense form.

All [the walruses] dove down with a tremendous
splash. --Dr. Hayes.

When closely pressed it [the loon] dove . . . and
left the young bird sitting in the water. --J.

2. Fig.: To plunge or to go deeply into any subject,
question, business, etc.; to penetrate; to explore.

Dove \Dove\ (d[u^]v), n. [OE. dove, duve, douve, AS. d[=u]fe;
akin to OS. d[=u]ba, D. duif, OHG. t[=u]ba, G. taube, Icel.
d[=u]fa, Sw. dufva, Dan. due, Goth. d[=u]b[=o]; perh. from
the root of E. dive.]
1. (Zo["o]l.) A pigeon of the genus {Columba} and various
related genera. The species are numerous.

Note: The domestic dove, including the varieties called
{fantails}, {tumblers}, {carrier pigeons}, etc., was
derived from the {rock pigeon} ({Columba livia}) of
Europe and Asia; the {turtledove} of Europe, celebrated
for its sweet, plaintive note, is {Columba turtur} or
{Turtur vulgaris}; the {ringdove}, the largest of
European species, is {Columba palumbus}; the {Carolina
dove}, or {Mourning dove}, is {Zenaidura macroura}; the
{sea dove} is the little auk ({Mergulus alle} or {Alle
alle}). See {Turtledove}, {Ground dove}, and {Rock
pigeon}. The dove is a symbol of peace, innocence,
gentleness, and affection; also, in art and in the
Scriptures, the typical symbol of the Holy Ghost.

2. A word of endearment for one regarded as pure and gentle.

O my dove, . . . let me hear thy voice. --Cant. ii.

3. a person advocating peace, compromise or conciliation
rather than war or conflict. Opposite of {hawk}.

{Dove tick} (Zo["o]l.), a mite ({Argas reflexus}) which
infests doves and other birds.

{Soiled dove}, a prostitute. [Slang]

  1. Stock prices, in their first chance to react, dove this morning before recovering some of their losses.
  2. The recovery of the brown pelican in the southeastern United States seems to be attributed to the nationwide ban on DDT, while the "recovery" of the Palau dove, Palau fantail and Palau owl simply stems from the discovery of more birds.
  3. Angela was vacationing with her family at Maui, Hawaii, in October when she dove into the surf and helped pull out a Japanese woman being swept away by a strong current.
  4. At the entrance to modern Babylon, a small town of one-story houses, stands a huge portrait of Saddam wearing an Arab keffiyeh headdress with a white dove of peace fluttering over his head.
  5. Angela Marie Campanoli, now 12, dove into rough waters near her home in Maui last Oct. 5 to save a Japanese woman who was being swept out to sea.
  6. Benjamin said he dove from the ferry, then had to swim frantically to get away from the suction of the sinking boat.
  7. "I have always felt that my creative and entrepreneurial skills are the parts I'm best at." Michael Dukakis is giving speeches this week on national security, partly his advisers say to blunt George Bush's claim that the Governor is a callow dove.
  8. As Matre Jean, giving a cookery lesson on how to prepare pheasant (or dove) for dinner, Simon Thorpe caught the intonation of a French comic spot-on.
  9. The Republican nominee-to-be has been trying mightily in the past two months to paint Dukakis as a far-out liberal _ as a George McGovern dove on defense and a Walter Mondale tax-raiser in budget matters.
  10. He can turn himself into a boa or a dove and escape from the gringos," she said.
  11. The dollar was firm for much of the U.S. session Friday on light purchases before the weekend, but gains vanished when stocks dove late in the day.
  12. He makes a pact in 'silver bullets' with the devil but on his wedding day Satan betrays him and he shoots dead not the targetted white dove but his wife.
  13. As Nathan left prison he shook hands with the warden and said "lehitraot," Hebrew for "`til we meet again." A group of teen-agers from a kibbutz, or collective farm, then presented him with a white dove, which he symbolically released.
  14. Author of "The Julie Effect," he also reminisced about the time he dove into a tank of sharks at the New York Aquarium just so he could write a story about it.
  15. It has white as well as black poverty, and good ol' boys who gather over coffee to talk of dove hunting and running deer with dog packs.
  16. On the floor below, attorney Dennis N. Newman dove under his desk when his window broke, shattering his glass door and his nerves.
  17. As French perched on the narrow ledge on the 21st floor, with the struggling chick in his hands, the mother falcon continually dove at his helmet, at one point dislodging it.
  18. The one-ton space probe capped its historic 4.43-billion mile, 12-year tour of four planets when it skimmed 3,048 miles over Neptune's north pole Thursday night, then dove past Triton, the planet's largest moon.
  19. Diplomats based in Kabul and a small group of foreign journalists were flown to Herat for the ceremony and dove for cover during the intense, close-range battle, Kabul radio said.
  20. A police officer dove into a freezing lake early Sunday to rescue a man whose truck had crashed through the ice and then charged him with drunken driving, officials said.
  21. In a dormitory-like setting, Ryan dove into the program with gusto.
  22. Staley's per-share profit dove from $4.75 in 1981 to $1.26 in 1986.
  23. Federal Signal dove 1 3/4 to 26 1/4.
  24. French artist Fernand Leger's 1952 silkscreen "Liberty, Peace, Solidarity," shows the Rosenbergs with a dove between them.
  25. Waller's comments might make him appear a dove, trying to find an excuse to avoid combat.
  26. "I can understand instant hawks appearing from where there used to be the feathers of a dove, because some of it is political and some of it is the frustration they feel because this man (Noriega) is still in office," he said.
  27. The magician's hand appears not to move, but suddenly it holds a dove.
  28. The plane dissolves into a dove as strains from Brahms and Beethoven replace the whine of the jet's engine.
  29. Secretary of State George P. Shultz has invoked the powers of a good luck charm during his Middle East shuttle: a white peace dove in his Jerusalem hotel lobby.
  30. On the embassy's front gate is a poster of a Jewish Star of David superimposed on a U.S. flag, which is dropping bombs on a dove.
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