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 doused 添加此单词到默认生词本
v. 插入水中,弄湿;弄熄;急速收帆(douse 的过去式和过去分词)

  1. Mother doused the clothes in soapy water.
  2. Even now, the euro area as a whole has lower deficit and debt levels than America; in theory the fire in the bond markets could be doused by fiscal transfers and the mutualisation of debt.
    甚至现在,欧元区作为整体的赤字和债务水平都要低于美国。 理论上讲,债券市场过热可以通过财政调拨和债务互助来进行调控。
  3. Though like the Portuguese, we doused the tops of our soups with extra olive oil.
    虽然很像葡式汤, 但它在烹饪过程中, 将原材料内拌入较多橄榄油熬制.

Douse \Douse\ (dous), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Doused} (doust); p.
pr. & vb. n. {Dousing}.] [Cf. {Dowse}, and OD. donsen to
strike with the fist on the back, Sw. dunsa to fall down
violently and noisily; perh. akin to E. din.]
1. To plunge suddenly into water; to duck; to immerse; to
dowse. --Bp. Stillingfleet.

2. (Naut.) To strike or lower in haste; to slacken suddenly;
as, douse the topsail.

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