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 douse [daus]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 插入水中, 浇(或洒、泼)水在...上, 熄(灯、火等), 平息

vi. 浸泡

n. 泼洒

  1. As a joke, they douse him with a bucket of water.
  2. Americans like pleasant scents, and douse them-selves and their personal products liberally with per-fume.
  3. The game introduce: To douse all etc. s to destroy not easy~ however technique still very important, do a lot of thinking.


Douse \Douse\ (dous), v. t. [imp. & p. p. {Doused} (doust); p.
pr. & vb. n. {Dousing}.] [Cf. {Dowse}, and OD. donsen to
strike with the fist on the back, Sw. dunsa to fall down
violently and noisily; perh. akin to E. din.]
1. To plunge suddenly into water; to duck; to immerse; to
dowse. --Bp. Stillingfleet.

2. (Naut.) To strike or lower in haste; to slacken suddenly;
as, douse the topsail.

Douse \Douse\, v. i.
To fall suddenly into water. --Hudibras.

Douse \Douse\, v. t. [AS. dw[ae]scan. (Skeat.)]
To put out; to extinguish; as, douse the lights. [Slang] ``
To douse the glim.'' --Sir W. Scott.

  1. The department's move helped douse speculation that corn prices would have to rise significantly in order to ration the supply of the recently harvested crop so it would last until the next harvest.
  2. "Usually, thunderstorms douse things this time of year."
  3. Five water-dropping helicopters and about 450 firefighters attempted to douse the fire as it raced along the ridge of homes near Hacienda Heights about 20 miles east of downtown Los Angeles.
  4. Because all three fires are in the backcountry no efforts were being made to douse the flames, she said.
  5. It took firemen about an hour to douse the blaze, it said.
  6. About 150 firefighters remained Saturday to douse hot spots, said fire department spokeswoman Maria Sobol.
  7. Young said he hoped the army of arson stoppers and anti-Devil's Night publicity would douse the dangerous tradition.
  8. Houston Fire Department boats and a sheriff's marine division boat helped douse the fire on the barge.
  9. Japan's economy should slow due to Tuesday's hike in a key interest rate, but there are questions about whether another big increase is needed to douse inflationary fires, analysts said.
  10. For him, the quintessential surf shot was the potbellied chief executive who tore off his shirt, donned a grass skirt and lei, and had his co-workers douse him with water as he stood on the surfboard.
  11. Local fire crews were called twice this week to douse burning refuse in the pit.
  12. A couple of my own douse their dogs with it.
  13. Shortly before 8 a.m., the fire appeared to be under control, witnesses said, with Harbor Patrol and Coast Guard craft maneuvering to douse hot spots.
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