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 dissidence ['disidәns]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 意见不同, 不同意, 异议

  1. Bring forward any dissidence( disagreement?) about the test report to the test station within a month. No transacting if the time limit is exceeded.
  2. The buyer's technology department may check the received product according to stipulation in contract or this standard, and any dissidence should be demurred within one week.
  3. Borrowing ideas from the solving models on conflicts between trade mark and domain name privileges in international community, we provide favourable legal system environment for the development of traditional conomy and cybereconomy by establishing valid

[ noun ]
disagreement; especially disagreement with the government

Dissidence \Dis"si*dence\, n. [L. dissidentia: cf. F.
dissidence. See {Dissident}, a.]
Disagreement; dissent; separation from the established
religion. --I. Taylor.

It is the dissidence of dissent. --Burke.

  1. "He embodied the great American virtue of protest and dissidence and speaking truth to authority," Rudd said. "He was kind of like our Thoreau." Jack Hoffman borrowed a quote from his brother to praise his iconoclastic life.
  2. Now, he quickly answers dissidence.
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