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 dissident ['dɪsədənt]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 意见不同的, 持不同政见的

n. 意见不同的人, 持不同政见者

[法] 持不同政见者, 唱反调者, 背离国教者

  1. The dissident element on campus.
  2. The authorities put the dissident author through the hoop by denouncing him as an enemy of the state and putting him under house arrest.
  3. He was exiled as a dissident.

[ noun ]
  1. a person who dissents from some established policy

  2. <noun.person>
[ adj ]
  1. characterized by departure from accepted beliefs or standards

  2. <adj.all>
  3. disagreeing, especially with a majority

  4. <adj.all>

Dissident \Dis"si*dent\, a. [L. dissidens, -entis, p. pr. of
dissidere to sit apart, to disagree; dis- + sedere to sit:
cf. F. dissident. See {Sit}.]
No agreeing; dissenting; discordant; different.

Our life and manners be dissident from theirs.

Dissident \Dis"si*dent\, n. (Eccl.)
One who disagrees or dissents; one who separates from the
established religion.

The dissident, habituated and taught to think of his
dissidenc? as a laudable and necessary opposition to
ecclesiastical usurpation. --I. Taylor.

  1. In a filing with the Securities and Exchange Commission announcing the proxy contest, the dissident group indicated disastifaction with the board's decision to reject a recent financial restructuring plan it had proposed.
  2. On Saturday, dissident sources said police surrounded the apartment building across the street from the government offices of the Russian republic, where the first meeting was held, but did not break it up.
  3. MDI Mobile Data International Inc. said shareholders re-elected the company's board despite a challenge from a dissident group opposed to a takeover of the company by Motorola Inc., Schaumburg, Ill.
  4. Authorities banned an independent rally called for Friday by signatories of the human rights document Charter 77 and four other dissident groups.
  5. It is electric and one can see immediately why dissident Russians so admired the play.
  6. He praised the university, near Cape Town, as South Africa's "most potent academic institutional dissident." In the past decade, the university has increased its black enrollment from a handful to 13 percent of the 11,500 students.
  7. The 65-year-old former dissident was persecuted by military-dominated regimes.
  8. The dissident group is led by Connecticut investor Robert Gintel.
  9. Prominent among these are raising enough money to buy out dissident shareholders.
  10. In a key compromise, the Interior Ministry, which runs the nation's hated secret and uniformed police, will be run jointly by a former dissident, the new Communist premier and a Communist Party member proposed by the opposition.
  11. Su Shaozhi, another prominent dissident, arrived in the United States on Thursday and went to live with his brother in Chicago.
  12. The directive would affect dissident leader Kim Dae Jung.
  13. The trip by the South Korean dissident is considered by many to be a prelude to a presidential bid.
  14. Police continued rounding up participants in pro-democracy protests that ended with the army crackdown June 3-4. Reports Tuesday said journalist Dai Qing and Yang Wei, a recently freed dissident linked to a Chinese group in New York, were arrested.
  15. An opposition group calling itself the Democratic Union held an organizational meeting Saturday to establish a political party as an alternative to the Communist Party, a leading dissident said.
  16. Of Sunday's violence in Sumgait, a city some 1,500 miles from Moscow, dissident Sergei Grigoryants said: "Thugs in Sumgait went up to people and asked them if they were Armenian or not.
  17. Allegheny International Inc. and a dissident shareholder group that failed to take control of the company's 13-member board in a proxy fight agreed Thursday to stop their legal wrangling.
  18. It's an unnatural place for the union to be" - Jerry Tucker of the New Directions Movement, a dissident autoworkers group.
  19. The Wall Street Journal quoted Sahib al-Hakin, an Iraqi dissident in London, as saying that removing Saddam would not make much difference because those around him who might take over are as ruthless.
  20. In 1980, William Koch led dissident stockholders in an unsuccessful attempt to wrest control from Charles.
  21. Havel, 54, a playwright and former dissident, was quoted by the Hebrew daily Haaretz as saying Arafat assured him that the Palestine Liberation Organization wants Israel to adopt U.S. proposals for starting a Palestinian-Israeli dialogue.
  22. The State Department on Friday welcomed the decision of Soviet authorities to allow dissident leader Andrei Sakharov to visit the United States.
  23. A former national police chief, convicted of involvement in the torture death of a student dissident, was released Saturday after his eight-month prison sentence was suspended.
  24. "We have to use our scarce resources well." Mr. Leberknight's appointment is the latest change in top management at the bank since dissident shareholders took control of the company in September, ending a long proxy fight.
  25. There remains some speculation, however, that both Texaco and Mr. Icahn could arrange for the dissident holder to sell his shares to a third party, or parties.
  26. A group of dissident shareholders stated Sunday it would not meet with the Zenith Electronics Corp. board of directors and repeated a pledge to try to dump directors and sell the company.
  27. This year, dissident Democrat party members voted with the opposition against another government-sponsored bill, prompting another dissolution and new elections.
  28. Dienstbier and fellow dissident Petr Uhl, for instance, swap shifts as stokers at the same factory; their fellow workers can't make up for them all the time.
  29. They cited the recent police action that kept astrophysicist Fang Lizhi, China's leading dissident, from attending a banquet President Bush held on his visit to Beijing earlier this month.
  30. The nuns locked themselves in the infirmary Oct. 4, saying they were afraid officials wanted to expel them from the monastery for their dissident views.
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