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 dissimilar [dɪ'sɪməlɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 不同的, 相异的

  1. Similarity of structure between organs or parts, possibly of dissimilar function, that are related by common descent.
  2. A contact between two dissimilar metals or materials.
  3. The quality or condition of being unlike or dissimilar.

[ adj ]
  1. not similar

  2. <adj.all>
    a group of very dissimilar people
    a pump not dissimilar to those once found on every farm
    their understanding of the world is not so dissimilar from our own
    took different (or dissimilar) approaches to the problem
  3. not alike or similar

  4. <adj.all>
    as unalike as two people could be
  5. marked by dissimilarity

  6. <adj.all>
    for twins they are very unlike
    people are profoundly different

Dissimilar \Dis*sim"i*lar\, a. [Pref. dis- + similar: cf. F.
Not similar; unlike; heterogeneous; as, the tempers of men
are as dissimilar as their features.

This part very dissimilar to any other. --Boyle.

  1. It's pressure, pressure, pressure. Most families think they could use a little more help." If these two markedly dissimilar lawmakers are any indication, help is on its way.
  2. X25 has built-in protocol conversion allowing it to connect dissimilar types of terminals.
  3. "This is a tragedy in the magnitude of Pete Rose, and not entirely dissimilar," Lustberg said, referring to the former Cincinnati Reds manager who pleaded guilty to tax charges that stemmed from his gambling habits.
  4. The Tate can only show about one quarter of its collection at any time. The problem of private galleries, certainly in central London, is not dissimilar from that of other businesses in a recession.
  5. Nolan Bushnell, inventor of "Pong" and now a general manager in the interactive consumer-products division of Commodore International Ltd., says the uses for the machines remain dissimilar even as the machines themselves become more alike.
  6. Although the two versions are more similar than dissimilar, Bush did propose several initiatives reflecting campaign promises for expanded social programs.
  7. The dissimilar approaches indicate that large layoffs or office closings are unlikely, analysts said.
  8. But the actors are stimulated by swapping between two such dissimilar vehicles, and the plays are alive.
  9. This was accomplished by cutting off supplies to the region and by a blockade not too dissimilar to what is now being implemented by our "entrusted" future business partner Mikhail Gorbachev.
  10. Support would also be provided for sports science and sports medicine. The principles of operation are not dissimilar to those at the United Nations.
  11. Part of the play's considerable fun is in how brilliantly six of them take two or more dissimilar roles.
  12. The history and culture of the Soviet Union is so different than that of the United States that it is unlikely the Soviets will develop "less dissimilar" political institutions in the near future.
  13. As a final result, the U.S. and the Soviet Union may develop more compatible visions of the world as their political institutions become less dissimilar.
  14. In "Singer," the title character becomes an avaricious property developer who lends his name to a phenomenon, Singerism, not dissimilar from that recently coined term Thatcherism.
  15. "Yet in examining the economic fundamentals, the two post-crash environments seem quite dissimilar.
  16. McCaw said that by year end it will complete the second phase of the project, which will link all dissimilar systems in its network, including equipment made by American Telephone & Telegraph Co. and Motorola Inc.
  17. These figures are not dissimilar to what we have seen with the other student aid programs," William Gainer, director of education and employment for the GAO.
  18. Some argue that individual studies are too dissimilar in methodology and quality for the results to be pooled. Most health researchers, however, have embraced meta-analysis as a powerful new tool for fishing original conclusions out of old data.
  19. Ariel is Simon Russell Beale, who is forever expanding his range and style by allowing himself to be cast in dissimilar roles (for Mendes alone he has played Ariel, Richard III and Thersites in Troilus at the RSC). So far, so impressive.
  20. And their personalities are not dissimilar; both are accomplished raconteurs. Leven says: 'It's not the usual balance between the chief executive officer and the chief operating officer.
  21. Swaps of properties with similar uses would continue to avoid taxes, but the swap of dissimilar properties, such as land for a building, would be disallowed.
  22. Its conclusions were not dissimilar to those reached by many underperforming British companies over the past decade: architects must get closer to their clients, and understand better what they want.
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