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 dissipated ['disipeitid]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 沉迷于酒色的, 闲游浪荡的, 消失的

  1. The dissipated young man holds his reputation cheap.
  2. Advised them to quit their dissipated ways.
  3. He soon dissipated his fortune.

[ adj ]
  1. unrestrained by convention or morality

  2. <adj.all>
    Congreve draws a debauched aristocratic society
    deplorably dissipated and degraded
    riotous living
    fast women
  3. preoccupied with the pursuit of pleasure and especially games of chance

  4. <adj.all>
    led a dissipated life
    a betting man
    a card-playing son of a bitch
    a gambling fool
    sporting gents and their ladies

dissipate \dis"si*pate\ (d[i^]s"s[i^]*p[=a]t), v. t. [imp. & p.
p. {Dissipated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Dissipating}.] [L.
dissipatus, p. p. of dissipare; dis- + an obsolete verb
sipare, supare. to throw.]
1. To scatter completely; to disperse and cause to disappear;
-- used esp. of the dispersion of things that can never
again be collected or restored.

Dissipated those foggy mists of error. --Selden.

I soon dissipated his fears. --Cook.

The extreme tendency of civilization is to dissipate
all intellectual energy. --Hazlitt.

2. To destroy by wasteful extravagance or lavish use; to

The vast wealth . . . was in three years dissipated.
--Bp. Burnet.

Syn: To disperse; scatter; dispel; spend; squander; waste;
consume; lavish.

Dissipated \Dis"si*pa`ted\ (d[i^]s"s[i^]*p[=a]`t[e^]d), a.
1. Squandered; scattered. ``Dissipated wealth.'' --Johnson.

2. Wasteful of health, money, etc., in the pursuit of
pleasure; dissolute; intemperate.

A life irregular and dissipated. --Johnson.

  1. However, Naccara said most of the fuel already had dissipated by midday Thursday.
  2. Tropical Storm Arthur, which peaked with 70 mph winds Thursday but quickly lost strength over the central Caribbean, had dissipated by late Saturday.
  3. By the time trading opened in New York the initial panic that hit Tokyo and Frankfurt so hard had dissipated.
  4. The sense of crisis dissipated and the market started the gradual climb to its current levels.
  5. Virtually all the No. 2 heating oil spilled in Friday's accident had dissipated by Tuesday and state officials began reopening beaches.
  6. The storm had dissipated Sunday but regained strength Monday. Forecasters said it was likely to degenerate into a tropical wave as it entered the southeastern Caribbean.
  7. They also disputed Robert Campeau's argument that he was "anxious" that provision be made for Jacques Campeau's wife and daughter before the shares were "dissipated."
  8. The official said the smoke dissipated when the engine was shut down, but the plane landed at Phoenix International Airport.
  9. The stage looks vaguely Arthur Rackham-ish, though with all the poetry dissipated by the colouring and the 3D enlargement.
  10. Even in 1990, it was still 19 per cent higher. More worryingly, UK productivity gains were dissipated through high real wages.
  11. I don't function and my energies are dissipated.
  12. As that move demonstrated, the board's patience for Mr. Fellheimer dissipated as Equimark's financial condition declined.
  13. She married the tax-farmer's son, who in the required manner turned out to be a drunkard and a gambler, and who dissipated his father's estate within a few years of inheriting it.
  14. The rumors appear to have some substance, but government officials, academics and journalists who watch the Chiang family insist that her hunger for power has dissipated with age.
  15. As your headline asserts, the U.S. machine-tool industry may indeed have been ground down in recent years, but the new manufacturing resurgence offers substantial promise for regaining some of the strength that has been dissipated.
  16. Most of the oil, which was lighter than the crude oil that has fouled Alaska waters since March, has now been cleaned up or dissipated.
  17. The Federal Home Loan Bank Board said Friday that the 29-branch Lincoln Savings and Loan Association in Irvine had dissipated its $5.4 billion in assets, had let its capital dwindle to $20 million and was operating in an unsafe and unsound manner.
  18. About 1,800 people in three East Tennessee communities and a nearby Georgia town were allowed to return home after a cloud from a toxic chemical leak dissipated, officials said.
  19. That extra space could have dissipated the force of the blast, said rescue technician Rasim Kekic.
  20. The rest of the light crude either burned away as it left the tanker, was sucked up by skimmers or dissipated by dispersants and evaporated.
  21. Once the initial flurry of enthusiasm about the jobs data had dissipated, the downward trend reasserted itself. Analysts yesterday were agreed on two points.
  22. When a battery is used the metal from the electrode is dissolved in the electrolyte and dissipated.
  23. The weather system rolled onto the Plains on Monday, spreading locally heavy rain and thunderstorms ahead of itself, and it also kicked out a funnel cloud over southeastern Colorado that dissipated without causing damage.
  24. Traders said share prices regained momentum Tuesday afternoon, after nervousness about the dollar's slump from a strong morning opening dissipated when the U.S. unit appeared to stabilize, albeit weakly.
  25. But much of the anti-Noriega sentiment has dissipated over the past six weeks, generating pessimism here that the mediators will be able to fulfill their mandate.
  26. The demonstrators made clear they hated the government and the police - not whites for the simple fact of being whites. That positive mood was dissipated by the police attack.
  27. "You're better today," Mrs. Marcos told him. "Your fever has dissipated.
  28. One can't help but remember that 18th-century Charleston society was itself a re-creation of the most dissipated excesses of Restoration England, to say nothing of its later status as a standard bearer for the slave trade.
  29. While the leak was stalled, the cloud over Simi Valley dissipated and the valve on the tank was tightened.
  30. In recent years, however, the Democratic dominance of the district has dissipated.
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