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 dissipate ['dɪsə`pet]   添加此单词到默认生词本
vt. 散失, 驱散, 浪费

vi. 消散, 放荡

  1. He soon dissipated his fortune.
  2. The sun dissipated the mist.
  3. They dissipate all night and sleep all day.


Dissipate \Dis"si*pate\, v. i.
1. To separate into parts and disappear; to waste away; to
scatter; to disperse; to vanish; as, a fog or cloud
gradually dissipates before the rays or heat of the sun;
the heat of a body dissipates.

2. To be extravagant, wasteful, or dissolute in the pursuit
of pleasure; to engage in dissipation.

dissipate \dis"si*pate\ (d[i^]s"s[i^]*p[=a]t), v. t. [imp. & p.
p. {Dissipated}; p. pr. & vb. n. {Dissipating}.] [L.
dissipatus, p. p. of dissipare; dis- + an obsolete verb
sipare, supare. to throw.]
1. To scatter completely; to disperse and cause to disappear;
-- used esp. of the dispersion of things that can never
again be collected or restored.

Dissipated those foggy mists of error. --Selden.

I soon dissipated his fears. --Cook.

The extreme tendency of civilization is to dissipate
all intellectual energy. --Hazlitt.

2. To destroy by wasteful extravagance or lavish use; to

The vast wealth . . . was in three years dissipated.
--Bp. Burnet.

Syn: To disperse; scatter; dispel; spend; squander; waste;
consume; lavish.

  1. Ms. Hoffman's classes began to dissipate in 1977 after the suicide of her second husband, Glenn Cooley.
  2. Authorities, however, noted the oil spilled in Alaska was heavy crude, which doesn't dissipate nearly as rapidly as the light crude aboard the Mega Borg.
  3. "That type of fuel does dissipate faster than most oil products," Moreth said. "We expect a lot of it has evaporated or has broken up.
  4. But it has also fallen as those tensions seemed to dissipate or as the markets had second thoughts about how serious the situation really is.
  5. British political institutions have always been carefully arranged to dissipate the effects of democracy, a fact as welcomed by Labour politicians when in office as by Conservative politicians at all times.
  6. As Beryl, the Atlantic hurricane season's second named storm, moved over New Orleans, forecasters said its movement raised hopes that it might dissipate.
  7. The problem is that when the air temperature gets close to the body's 98.6 degree Fahrenheit normal, heat doesn't dissipate outward as readily.
  8. I'm not going to dissipate shareholder value." Mr. Newall's decisive actions have helped stabilize the stock price.
  9. While Mr. Stephens has set up a firm business plan for Manville, the cloud of Chapter 11 and the asbestos-related problems won't soon dissipate.
  10. If a transmission line is backed up, electricity would dissipate and could cause a disruption.
  11. Although chlorine reacts violently with water, the cloud that hovered over the city, stretching two miles long and four blocks wide, had to be sprayed constantly with water to dissipate it, Higgins said.
  12. "I was disgusted at the fact that we had already waited a few hours and now he was going to be of no use to us," he said, noting that the passage of time meant alcohol could dissipate from blood and urine.
  13. An oil slick, once 30 miles long, that resulted from the explosion is continuing to dissipate into a series of patches offshore.
  14. "It shook the building," Carey said. "It knocked out power immediately." Smoke from the explosion drifted over campus for about an hour before it began to dissipate, he said.
  15. Managements that resist value-creating change and signal an unrelenting desire to keep their companies independent by initiating anti-takeover tactics such as poison pills and greenmail are likely to dissipate shareholder value.
  16. But the settlement does nothing to dissipate the cloud that has been hanging over the crude oil market because of an opinion issued last month by U.S. District Court Judge William C. Conner.
  17. Mr Tunstall thinks the sector is still locked into the upswing of its cycle, which, he adds, 'does not dissipate overnight'. Even the optimists do not expect a repeat of last year's performance.
  18. Do this well in advance of the wedding so that there is plenty of time for tension to dissipate.
  19. In the face of gradually rising property values, the sector's 20 per cent discount to asset value should therefore start to dissipate.
  20. "These face-to-face contacts ought to allow us to dissipate our fears," he said.
  21. The long canal system inside the plant boundaries allows heat to dissipate from non-radioactive cooling water warmed by the reactor core, a function performed by cooling towers at many other nuclear plants.
  22. But congressional staffers said it wasn't clear whether such efforts would dissipate as the administration raises national security concerns.
  23. For Court TV, such reluctance may well dissipate if audiences sit riveted to trials and their voyeurism translates into big ratings.
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