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 daffy ['dæfɪ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 愚笨的, 疯狂的

  1. Though he knew quite well what he was doing he pretended to be still a little daffy.

  1. Cargo X, the first and shorter of the two works shown here this year by Cunningham, is one of his more daffy constructions, with a certain silly use of flowers and a stepladder.
  2. The score is completely different from "Lucky Stiff," a daffy, dumb-fun musical that Ahrens and Flaherty wrote for Playwrights Horizons several seasons ago.
  3. His communion lessons to daughter are a masterclass in daffy scholarship: "E takes a piece of bread and 'olds it up to 'is mates' is his summary of Our Lord's activities at the Last Supper.
  4. The elder Blanc delivered the daffy Looney Tunes sign-off, "That's All Folks," while filming a commercial for Buick automobiles with Noel when he was stricken and rushed to Cedars-Sinai Medical Center.
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