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 dag [dæg]   添加此单词到默认生词本
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  1. Een Volkswagen kost20 euro per dag.
  2. The first two Secretaries-General were Trygve Lie of Norway and Dag Hammarskj? ld of Sweden.
  3. Dag Hammarskjold, Swedish Secretary-General of the United Nations and Nobel Prize winner, was killed in a plane crash near Ndola in Northern Rhodesia.

dagged, dagging
[ noun ]
  1. 10 grams

  2. <noun.quantity>
  3. a flap along the edge of a garment; used in medieval clothing

  4. <noun.artifact>

Dag \Dag\ (d[a^]g), n. [Cf. F. dague, LL. daga, D. dagge (fr.
French); all prob. fr. Celtic; Cf. Gael. dag a pistol, Armor.
dag dagger, W. dager, dagr, Ir. daigear. Cf. {Dagger}.]
1. A dagger; a poniard. [Obs.] --Johnson.

2. A large pistol formerly used. [Obs.]

The Spaniards discharged their dags, and hurt some.

A sort of pistol, called dag, was used about the
same time as hand guns and harquebuts. --Grose.

3. (Zo["o]l.) The unbranched antler of a young deer.

Dag \Dag\, n. [Of Scand. origin; cf. Sw. dagg, Icel. d["o]gg.
[root]71. See {Dew}.]
A misty shower; dew. [Obs.]

Dag \Dag\, n. [OE. dagge (cf. {Dagger}); or cf. AS. d[=a]g what
is dangling.]
A loose end; a dangling shred.

Daglocks, clotted locks hanging in dags or jags at a
sheep's tail. --Wedgwood.

Dag \Dag\, v. t. [1, from {Dag} dew. 2, from {Dag} a loose end.]
1. To daggle or bemire. [Prov. Eng.] --Johnson.

2. To cut into jags or points; to slash; as, to dag a
garment. [Obs.] --Wright.

Dag \Dag\, v. i.
To be misty; to drizzle. [Prov. Eng.]

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