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 dagger ['dægɚ]   添加此单词到默认生词本
n. 匕首

vt. 用剑刺

  1. He looks daggers at the enemy.
  2. He fell a victim to the dagger of the assassin.
  3. Put the dagger back in its sheath.

[ noun ]
  1. a short knife with a pointed blade used for piercing or stabbing

  2. <noun.artifact>
  3. a character used in printing to indicate a cross reference or footnote

  4. <noun.communication>

Dagger \Dag"ger\ (-g[~e]r), n. [Cf. OE. daggen to pierce, F.
daguer. See {Dag} a dagger.]
1. A short weapon used for stabbing. This is the general
term: cf. {Poniard}, {Stiletto}, {Bowie knife}, {Dirk},
{Misericorde}, {Anlace}.

2. (Print.) A mark of reference in the form of a dagger
[[dagger]]. It is the second in order when more than one
reference occurs on a page; -- called also {obelisk}.

{Dagger moth} (Zo["o]l.), any moth of the genus {Apatalea}.
The larv[ae] are often destructive to the foliage of fruit
trees, etc.

{Dagger of lath}, the wooden weapon given to the Vice in the
old Moralities. --Shak.

{Double dagger}, a mark of reference [[dag]] which comes next
in order after the dagger.

{To look daggers}, or {To speak daggers}, to look or speak
fiercely or reproachfully.

Dagger \Dag"ger\, v. t.
To pierce with a dagger; to stab. [Obs.]

Dagger \Dag"ger\, n. [Perh. from diagonal.]
A timber placed diagonally in a ship's frame. --Knight.

obelisk \ob"e*lisk\ ([o^]b"[e^]*l[i^]sk), n. [L. obeliscus, Gr.
'obeli`skos, dim. of 'obelo`s a spit, a pointed pillar: cf.
F. ob['e]lisque.]
1. An upright, four-sided pillar, gradually tapering as it
rises, and terminating in a pyramid called pyramidion. It
is ordinarily monolithic. Egyptian obelisks are commonly
covered with hieroglyphic writing from top to bottom.

2. (Print.) A mark of reference; -- called also {dagger}
[[dagger]]. See {Dagger}, n., 2.

  1. As Hamlet drew his dagger, it slipped his grasp.
  2. Al-Ahram, Egypt's leading newspaper, called Mr. Arafat's embrace of Saddam "prostration" before the man who plunged "his poisoned dagger in the Arabs' back." The discrediting of the Palestinian cause is likely to be long-lasting.
  3. The Palestinian boarded a tour bus with a dagger and pistol and shot or stabbed 10 people, police said.
  4. "The horns are really nothing more than tightly compacted hair," Hoessle said. "They are used for dagger handles in Yemen and for folk medicines and sex potionts in the Orient.
  5. A spokesman for the center, Dr. Maher Hathout, said the man appeared at the center wearing a dagger in a sheath around his waist and was refused entry.
  6. At that point, Mishima hurried indoors, stripped to his loincloth and plunged a dagger into his abdomen, in the traditional manner of suicide.
  7. "I believe these proposals would foster arbitrary government, throw a dagger at private and economic liberties and subvert the rule of law," said Fein.
  8. Later, at a bullfight held on the ranch, a young matador nods in Mr. Diaz Serrano's direction before plunging the dagger into the prostrate bull's throat.
  9. To get the punters psyched up, invitations have just gone out complete with evidence bag and plastic dagger. Imagine the panic when the missives promptly set the red lights on the exchange's postal X-ray equipment a-blinking.
  10. "Listening to the noise was like a dagger splitting you in two," said another relative Mohammed Dayub, who operates the village's flour mill. "I wanted to make them cakes." Bugina is populated by devout Moslems.
  11. In the Middle East, the horns are fashioned into ornamental dagger handles.
  12. Ms. Kuhlmann gradually settled down, stopped waving her dagger, and justified much of the advance publicity with an appealing legato and a poetic presence.
  13. "It would be a dagger in the heart of the Southern Pacific," a source close to the San Francisco-based railroad said.
  14. Botha said the ANC was trying to appear reasonable "in order to stab you in the back with a dagger." "There are still politically blind moles in the country who fail to see this," Botha said in an apparent reference to Craven.
  15. President George Bush plunged in the final dagger claiming (falsely) that Mr Clinton was anti-enterprise, would raise taxes on anybody with a job, and favoured huge increases in federal bureaucracy.
  16. For a $350 fee, Waller trains actors in the art of dueling with such deadly weapons as rapier and dagger, broadsword and quarterstaff without committing mayhem on the stage _ but convincing theatergoers they're seeing the real thing.
  17. For example, Macbeth sees a dagger before his eyes which plainly is not there.
  18. "The escape itself did not feature any cloak and dagger," McDonald said. "Their journey had a lot more daring associated with it." McDonald said they had a good reason to escape when they did.
  19. But at other times, Kissinger seemed to choose the cloak and dagger for their own sake.
  20. And so I was blamed if a sparrow fell anywhere in the city." Six large sparrows were convicted of corruption during Koch's tenure. "Each was like a dagger in my heart, and I'll never get over it.
  21. Police said they found 20 grams of cocaine, heroin, a hypodermic needle and a dagger in Fodor's possession.
  22. The dagger widened and lengthened into "an overgrown carrot," said Anna Sofaer, an artist and archaeo-astronomer who discovered the dagger in 1977 in Chaco Culture National Historical Park, which contains numerous ancient stone dwellings.
  23. The dagger widened and lengthened into "an overgrown carrot," said Anna Sofaer, an artist and archaeo-astronomer who discovered the dagger in 1977 in Chaco Culture National Historical Park, which contains numerous ancient stone dwellings.
  24. In Amman, Jordan, a 28-year-old Palestinian with a pistol and a dagger wounded nine French tourists and a Jordanian photographer on a tour bus.
  25. A judge's decision blocking a book critical of Church of Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard is a "dagger in the heart of the First Amendment," the publisher's lawyer says.
  26. And for men throughout the country, a nine-inch dagger, or "jambiya," is an essential accessory.
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