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 Dagenham   添加此单词到默认生词本

    1. Martyn Watkins, a U.K. Ford spokesman, says he doesn't know what plans the company has for the cats of Dagenham.
    2. Last month the company announced production cuts affecting 5,500 workers at Dagenham and 1,800 at Southampton.
    3. Trading at Brownings Electric and Dagenham Motors Security had been satisfactory.
    4. But the Economist said: "The strike has been led by men in Dagenham (assembly plant), in booming east London, where workers feel they can demand big bribes in return for changing their work habits.
    5. But Liberal Democrat strategists will be disappointed not to have done better in Dagenham, where their share of the vote fell by 3 percentage points to 8.4 per cent. The feared revival of the extreme right in London did not materialise.
    6. No doubt this reflects diminishing faith in analysts' current forecasts. Ford's announcement that it is putting Dagenham on a three-day week from September will hardly help confidence, not least when politicians are back at work to exploit it.
    7. A revaluation at the period end resulted in a surplus of Pounds 5.6m. Since the end of the year LAIT has acquired Dagenham's main shopping centre, taking its number of shops to 580 and the value of its portfolio to Pounds 60m.
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