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 daft [dɑ:ft, dæft]   添加此单词到默认生词本
a. 愚笨的, 癫狂的, 狂闹的

  1. Don't be so daft!
  2. The Tutorial in* very rough daft* Be ready for bad grammar.
  3. No company has ever been saddled with such a daft management structure in consequence.

[ adj ]
informal or slang terms for mentally irregular
it used to drive my husband balmy

Daft \Daft\ (d[.a]ft), a. [OE. daft, deft, deft, stupid; prob.
the same word as E. deft. See {Deft}.]
1. Stupid; foolish; idiotic; also, delirious; insane; as, he
has gone daft.

Let us think no more of this daft business --Sir W.

2. Gay; playful; frolicsome. [Scot.] --Jamieson.

  1. "The French are all daft as brushes," says Pete Hammerton, another English racer.
  2. It might sound daft to call a year after a means of transport, yet it is no dafter than calling a month after a management fad. In October, the US will celebrate National Quality Month.
  3. Their aim is to go about their business before the shutters go up at lunchtime in honour of Germany's daft laws governing shopping hours. Ladies flit from store to store in crisp red blazers and black pants.
  4. Few political parties are daft enough to use fabricated statistics, but they can massage the truth, as yesterday's Tory education document shows. 'We are making a great deal of progress,' the policy document claims.
  5. If Peter Snipp's sturdy Harlequin scores low on romantic appeal, his colleagues (all new) are an engaging crew: Timothy Robinson, Alasdair Elliott and particularly Mark Richardson as a daft Truffaldino.
  6. In the poll commissioned by Time magazine, 52 percent adjusted their straitjackets and agreed that life here is indeed easier for the slightly daft.
  7. But raising eight kids is bound to make a person a little daft.
  8. With that established, Darrel Campbell's script proceeds toward daft doom, namely a Murder Inc. operation lurking in the phone book as Hit Parade Parties.
  9. 'Foreign investors just think the UK system is daft.
  10. But if only the movies were less daft and colourful -sometimes - and more intelligently related to real life.
  11. He argues the theory was so daft it could never have won political support without the tireless advocacy of Journal writers such as Jude Wanniski and Robert Bartley.
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