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 稳态响应 添加此单词到默认生词本
[自] steady state response

  1. 详细研究了毫米波无辐射介质波导正交场单平衡混频器在双频信号激励下的准周期稳态响应
    The quasi periodic steady states of the NRD guide crossbar balanced mixer operating on mm band are studied in details in this paper.
  2. 因为频率响应稳态响应,所以系统必须是稳定且其稳定性必须在绘制伯德图之前确定。
    Since the frequency response is a steady-state response, the system must be stable and its stability must be determined before the system Bode plots can be used.
  3. 仿真结果表明,该算法可以获得良好的暂态和稳态响应,该方法优于传统的PI控制和滑模控制。
    Simulation results demonstrate that this algorithm can obtain good transient and steady state responses, and the algorithm is superior to the traditional PI control and sliding mode control.

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