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 稳态特性 [wěn tài tè xìng添加此单词到默认生词本
steady-state characteristics
steady-state performance
steady state characteristic

  1. 最后,通过对一个黏性流体圆柱体绕流问题的瞬态和稳态特性分析,给出了组合解法性能的评价。
    The performance of the combined procedure is evaluated by analyzing the three test cases of the flow past a cylinder, for their transient and steady-state flow behaviors.
  2. 对双联变频空调系统稳态特性及双蒸发器间耦合关系进行仿真研究,为双蒸发器的优化设计、控制及节能手段的运用提供依据。
    The thermodynamic steady characteristics of the system and the coupling relationship between double evaporators can give foundation for the optimum design of double evaporators and the control strategies and employment of energy saving method.
  3. 3种方法相互补充,可以全面判别牵引车-半挂车列车的稳态转向特性
    The three methods are supplement to each other and can he used to realize complete identifying tractor semi-trailer steady turning performance.

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