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 稳态调节 [wěn tài tiáo jié添加此单词到默认生词本
steady-state regulation

  1. 而微环境是干细胞稳态调节的关键,干细胞微环境的失调在肿瘤发生中扮演了重要角色。
    Microenvironment is the key to homeostatic regulation of stem cells. Disregulation of microenvironment plays an important role in the carcinogenesis.
  2. 肥大细胞在变态反应,固有免疫反应和组织内稳态调节方面的作用已经得到了充分的认识。
    The ersatile role of mast cells in allergy, in innate immune responses and in the regulation of tissue homeostasis is well recognized.
  3. 选择一种促进骨愈合的疗法时,医生必须考虑每一位患者的骨的稳态调节,包括年龄、生理周期和营养状况。
    When selecting a strategy to facilitate bone healing, one must consider the bone homeostasis of each patient, including age, gonadal cycle (in women), and nutrition.

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