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 稳态振荡 [wěn tài zhèn dàng添加此单词到默认生词本
steady state oscillation
steady state oscillations
steady oscillation
stable state oscillation

  1. 温室温度响应的主要动态性能指标包括:超调量、系统发散程度、系统振荡程度、稳态误差、过渡过程时间等。
    The paper analyzed the relationship of the scale factors and several main performance indexes of the system's respond curve like over-regulation, divergence, surge-degree, steady-state error and transient time, and denoted these indexes by some fuzzy membership functions.
  2. 如果我们将同样的输入作用于不稳定的系统,其输出将不会回到稳态,而是以无界的方式增长,通常其幅值是指数增长或者振荡增长。
    If we apply the same input to an unstable system, the output will never settle down to a steady-state phase; it will increase in an unbounded manner, usually exponentially or with oscillation of increasing amplitude.

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