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 稳态控制 [wěn tài kòng zhì添加此单词到默认生词本
homeostatic control
stable control

  1. 文章首先分析了常规模糊控制器存在的稳态控制精度差的原因,然后针对这个问题提出一种提高模糊控制控制精度的方案并给出了它的设计方法。
    First, the paper analyses the reason of lower controlling precision of conventional fuzzy controller, then puts forward a method to solve this problem and gives its design method, finally gives the simulating results of the improved fuzzy controller and compares with conventional fuzzy controller.
  2. 摘要首先证明了一类一阶非线性系统在周期边界控制下存在全局稳定的周期解,同时,用该结论证明了一类一阶非线性脉冲调宽采样系统存在稳态控制
    This paper first proved the existence of perodic solution of one order seniilinear pulse-width sampler under boundary control, meanwhile, proved the existence of steady-state of the system.
  3. 其中速度环通过增加积分环节来消除滑模控制的力矩抖动,位置环通过复合滑模拉制的设计来消除稳态滑模控制的抖振。
    In which integrate compensator was introduced in slide mode controller of velocity loop for reducing torque chattering, and compound sliding controller was designed to avoid chatter in slide mode controller of position loop.

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