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 复合砖 [fù hé zhuān添加此单词到默认生词本
composite brick

  1. 适用于普通及高强耐火的砌筑.与耐碱复合砖配套.
    Suitable for the construction of common and high strength alkali­resistant bricks.
  2. 适用于硅酸铝系耐火材料的砌筑,与回转可窑窑衬复合砖配套使用,能显著提日高窑衬使用寿命.
    Suitable for the construction of aluminium silicate refractory materials.it can prolong the life of kiln lining by combined application with rotary compound bricks.
  3. 碱性回转窑用莫莱石复合砖是我公司生产的用于水泥回转窑和烧结法生产氧化铝熟料窑的烧成带和过渡带的窑衬
    Mullite Composite bricks for Basic rotary kiln mainly used as the lining in the calcining zone and transition zone of cement rotary kiln and kiln for calcining alumina materials.

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