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 复合绝缘 添加此单词到默认生词本
[电] compound insulation

  1. 介绍了目前国内中压开关柜的绝缘方式和复合绝缘技术。
    The insulation mode and composite insulation technique of domestic medium voltage switchgear were presented.
  2. 介绍了具有我国自主知识产权,结构新颖的有机复合绝缘干式电流互感器的开发与发展过程。
    The development course of dry type current transformer with organic composite insulation was introduced, which is with novel structure and autonomous intellectual property in China.
  3. 但在同轴油纸复合绝缘中,当绝缘厚度超过一定值后,纸中极性反转场强反而增加。
    However, in coaxial oil-paper combination insulation when the thickness of insulation exceeds a certain value the field strength within the pressboard under polarity reversal will increase instead.

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