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 复合能 [fù hé néng添加此单词到默认生词本
recombination energy

  1. 配糖蛤蚌毒素复合体。迅速在血液里奏效。
    This glycoside saxitoxin hybrid goes to work in the blood stream instantly.
  2. 设计模式复合在更高水平上重用单个的设计模式和对象。
    The composition of design patterns enables a higher level of reuse of individual design patterns and objects.
  3. 并以有机相变材料为研究对象,实验验证了设计的相变材料复合很好地模拟钢板的热行为特性。
    Based on the calculated results, one kind of organic PCM was selected to verify experimentally the model and a good match between the theoretical and experimental results was achieved.

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