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 复合系统 添加此单词到默认生词本
[自] compound system
[自] combined system

  1. 湿地稻-鸭复合系统土壤中甲烷细菌数量研究。
    The study on the amounts of methanogens in the soil of rice-duck complex ecosystem of wetland.
  2. 甲胺磷和乙草胺对稻-鸭复合系统土壤中甲烷细菌数量及其活性影响的研究。
    The influence of methamidophos and acetochlor on the amounts and activity of methanogens in the soil of rice-duck complex ecosystem of wetland.
  3. 流域水资源系统是自然和人工水循环的复合系统,二元复合特性成为水循环的固有属性。
    The water resources system of basin is the complex system of human and natural water circulation, and dual complex character becomes the intrinsic property of water circulation.

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