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 复合种 添加此单词到默认生词本
aggregate species

  1. 探讨了活性物和各助剂对棉花复合种衣剂性能的影响,并对加工工艺条件进行了讨论。
    The effect of active substances and some auxiliary agents on cotten seed complex coating agent and the technical conditions were discussed.
  2. 我们认为在确定中国古籍文献中记载植物的学名时, 对部分植物宜采用集合( 或复合种) 的概念。
    We argue that the species aggregate ( or species complex) concept should better be adopted when identifying some plants documented in ancient Chinese literature .
  3. 图1 基于COI基因序列构建的长刺溞复合种单倍型网络图(图中数字代表了各分支的平均突变数量)。
    Fig. 1 Haplotype network for Daphnia longispinacomplex based on mitochondria COI gene sequences. Numbers between subnetworks represent the average number of mutations between subclades.

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