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 匹配单位 [pǐ pèi dān wèi添加此单词到默认生词本
matching unit

  1. 表中设计的内容如与研制工作不匹配,申请单位可根据实际情况适当修改填写内容,并在备注栏作出说明。
    The applicant should prepare materials and clear the sites for inspection beforehand and may modify the forms and indicate in the Remarks Column if the designed forms do not match the facts.
  2. 在该模型中,通过浇次开浇时间单位提前/拖期成本的惩罚值的控制可以协调炼钢-连铸和热轧生产环节之间的匹配关系。
    The model can coordinate the continuous casting and hot-rolling production stages by adjusting the value of penalty coefficients on the deviation of the cast starting times.
  3. 首先,用人单位在筛选简历时会考虑应聘者的专业背景和工作经历是否与企业所需岗位的任职资格相匹配
    Above all, the professional setting that unit of choose and employ persons can consider applicant when choosing resume and job experience what whether need post with company place to hold a post qualificatory photograph matchs.

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