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 匹配定理 [pǐ pèi dìng lǐ添加此单词到默认生词本
matching theorems

  1. 基于树的包容匹配思想,把积件的查询转化为查询树与积件标注树之间的匹配.通过研究积件查询的特点,提出积件标注树匹配的3个定理.在此基础上,提出积件查询的逆路径字符串匹配算法.该算法从叶节点开始进行匹配查找,同时考虑从叶节点到根节点的路径长度关系,能尽早终止不能匹配成功的路径,避免了字符串的循环反复查找,同时利用同一路径长度下字符串按字典排序,跳过大量不可能匹配的路径.实验结果表明,此方法在保持积件查找速度的前提下,能有效提高积件的查全率和查准率.
    Based on tree-inclusion matching, retrieval may be transformed into matching between the query tree and the integrable-ware label tree.Considering the retrieval specialities of integrable-ware,three theorems of matching are given.On this basis,the inverted-path string algorithm for the integrable-ware label tree query is proposed.This algorithm searches from leaf nodes rather than from root nodes,and considers about the path length and the total number of leaf nodes.It can terminate the failed matching as early as possible and avoid spending too much time on loop comparisons in character string matching.It utilizes the dictionary suffix order to skip much of the impossibility matching path.The experimental results show that this algorithm enhances the recall and the precision of integrable-ware query efficiency while maintaining the searching speed of the integrable-ware.

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