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 匹配晶体管 [pǐ pèi jīng tǐ guǎn添加此单词到默认生词本
matching transistor

  1. 射频晶体管的最低噪声系数通常不在输入完全匹配的地方。
    Lowest noise figure of a RF transistor is not normally where the input is perfectly matched.
  2. 根据宽带功率放大器的设计原理,采用推挽结构晶体管,前馈线性化技术,传输线变压器和微带混和匹配电路,利用ADS进行仿真设计,成功的设计出一款宽带功率放大器。
    Based on the design theory of power amplifier, a wide-band power amplifier was designed successfully by the push-pull transistor, the feedforward technical of linearization, the matching circuits of transmission line transformers and microstrip, and ADS simulation software.

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