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 匹配段 添加此单词到默认生词本
matching section

  1. 而公共子串连接成匹配段的过程中采用了剪枝策略,降低了算法的运行时间;
    In the third step, using pruning strategy to reduce the running time of the algorithm;
  2. 提出了用于判断曲线匹配的的判别方法,并对所给的方法做了严密的数学证明。
    In the process of reassembly of fragments, we provided virtual display and edit technique to afford convenience for user and ensure the result.
  3. 通常髋关节股骨侧假体匹配段尺寸公差要求并不严格,加工这种髋关节股骨侧假体可不采用数控加工中心。
    Because geometrical tolerances of manufacturing hip joint prostheses matching section are usually not strict, hip joint prostheses can be manufactured without CNC machine tool.

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