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 匹配滤波 [pǐ pèi lǜ bō添加此单词到默认生词本
[电子] matched filtering

  1. 文中对高斯信道和瑞利信道条件下的PN匹配滤波器的捕获性能进行了分析。
    The acquisition performance of the PN matched filter is analysed under the condition of Gaussian channel and Rayleigh channel.
  2. 针对直接序列扩频信号,本论文提出了利用多假设并行匹配滤波法实现解扩,利用最小二乘法进行频率估计的方法。
    Aiming at the Direct Sequence Spread Spectrum signal, this paper presents the approach of multi-assumption and match-filtering with the least square theory to estimate the frequency.
  3. 探讨了信号的小波变换与匹配滤波的关系,指出小波变换(WT)实际上就是可变检测模板的匹配滤波过程。
    In this paper, we discuss the relation between matched filter and wavelet transform(WT), and point out that wavelet transform is just the matched filter with changeable detection template.

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