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 不垄断 添加此单词到默认生词本

  1. 如果没有政府来保护投资者、债权人和企业,使其垄断、瞒骗和欺诈之扰,资本主义体制就无法健康运转。
    Capitalist systems function less well without state protection of investors, lenders and companies against monopoly, deception and fraud.
  2. 他以囊性纤维化为例:像乳腺癌,在这个领域没有获取相关基因的使用权垄断专利权限制,因此许多相互竞争的检验公司纷纷成立。
    As evidence, he points to the case of cystic fibrosis: unlike breast cancer, no monopoly patent blocks access to the relevant gene, and dozens of rival testing companies flourish.
  3. 本商城成功经商策略: 1。打虚假广告2。欺行霸市,垄断经营3。出售商品质量好,效果好4。心胸开阔,嫉妒谩骂同行。
    Successful business strategy of the Mall: 1. Not to fight false advertising 2. Do not dominate the market, not monopoly of the operation 3. The sale of merchandise of good quality, effective 4.

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