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 不外 添加此单词到默认生词本
nothing more than
nothing but
not beyond the scope of

  1. 你的肉体不外是你灵魂的暂居之所。
    Your earthly body is just a temporary residence for your spirit.
  2. 而在中东,当时的选择不外是土耳其、伊朗或塞浦路斯。
    And in the Middle East, choices then would have been Turkey, Iran or Cyprus.
  3. 世界贸易组织成立14年来,已经审理了数以百计的倒霉故事,这些故事在本质上不外是背信弃义。
    The World Trade Organisation has heard hundreds of hard-luck stories since its formation 14 years ago, all of them essentially about broken promises.

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