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 不夜城 [bù yè chéng添加此单词到默认生词本
sleepless city, ever-bright city

  1. 虽然马德里天生就是不夜城,但劳尔越来越不检点的生活方式及随之而来的流言蜚语使他不得安宁。
    Though Madrid is by natuer a late-night city, Raul's increasingly turbulent lifestyle and the rumours that accompanied it did not sit well with Real.
  2. 不夜城里,人们可以打工赚钱、交友聊天、购物、炒股、学习,在生活、工作和娱乐中结交到情投意合的朋友。
    With more than 1.5 million peple who have registered, City Night provides players an enviroment to do everything as in the real life such as working, making money, chat, shopping, buying stocks, study and dating.
  3. 市中心不夜城商业圈,毗邻南京西路,近汉中路地铁站,交通便利,苏州河美丽水景、光复西路景观大道,就在家门口。
    The business circle of ever-bright city of city center , adjoin the west road of Nanjing , near the road subway station of Hanzhong, easily accessible, the beautiful scene of Suzhou River, the view main road of west Guangfu road, just at the gate of home.

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