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 不够好 添加此单词到默认生词本
not good enough
below the mark
leave much to be desired

  1. 欧洲人说非洲有了一个新的殖民地主人,但前任主人却待我们不够好
    They say we have gotten a new colonial master, but our old one wasn't so good.
  2. 对照这些标准,IMF目前在改革方面的努力达到了何种程度呢?答案是:还不够好
    Against these standards, how far do the present reform efforts of the IMF measure up? "Not well enough" is the answer.
  3. 嘉西亚先生注意到这个现象,以为他的英语表达能力不够好,但其实派顿先生完全了解他所说的话。
    Mr. Garcia, aware of this, thinks he is not explaining himself well enough in English, even though Mr. Patton fully understands him.

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