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 不堪一击 添加此单词到默认生词本
collapse at the first blow
cannot withstand a single blow

  1. 由于东北库尔德和逊尼阿拉伯地区之间存在的一触即发的“导火线”,和平局势也因此不堪一击
    Peace is shakiest along the "trigger line" that runs between the Kurdish and Sunni Arab areas in the north-east.
  2. 这样看来,一切尚好,但恰恰是因为德国对出口的依赖以及制造业的优势才使得它在最初如此不堪一击
    Fine, except that it was Germany's export dependency and manufacturing bent that made its economy so vulnerable in the first place.
  3. 这样的政策十分危险,不堪一击,还不如清楚的表明,两岸统一是长远目标,完全应该以和平方式来实现。
    This is dangerously fragile: better to make clear that "reunification" is a long-term goal, to be achieved, if at all, through peaceful means.

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