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 劳工立法 添加此单词到默认生词本
labour legislation

  1. 1938年,在政府召开的全国卫生会议上,有组织的劳工成为立法的主要支持者,以保证美国的全民医疗保健。
    In 1938, at the government-convened National Health Conference, organized labor emerged as a major proponent of legislation to guarantee universal health care in the United States.
  2. 这种激进主义及其背后的观点在美国劳工运动中占据了主导地位,1935年,美国劳工联合会明确地改变了其在卫生立法方面的立场。
    This activism and the views underlying it came to prevail in the United States labor movement and in 1935 the AFL unequivocally reversed its position on health legislation.
  3. 通过使用风险模式判断,本文发现了有力的经验论据证明由黑人公民权利团体组成的激进主义从犹太人团体和劳工组织那里得到了立法支持的配合。
    Using hazard model estimates, the paper finds strong empirical evidence that activism by black civil rights groups was complemented by legislative support from Jewish groups and from organized labor.

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